A Tale of Two Cyclades: Mykonos and Tinos

A woven umbrella on a driftwood post lends to the castaway vibe on Tinos’ Kolimbithra Beach. Copyright Amy Laughinghouse.

What’s your ideal vacation vibe? See and be seen, or soak it in and explore? Glitz and glamour, sashaying down shop-lined streets, or sturdy shoes and stamina, clambering along less-trodden trails? Celebrity-spotting in nightclubs, or gazing at starry night skies? If you yearn for a vay-cay Venn Diagram that embraces the best of both styles, opt for a pick-and-mix escape to the Cyclades archipelago, dividing your time between Mykonos and Tinos, two wildly diverse Greek isles anchored in the blue-green Aegean Sea. Read more in my story for GoWorldTravel.

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